SRG Update #26
I’m definitely not meeting that “mid-month” goal for BAWD 1.0.2, unfortunately. I had hoped that self-quarantine would yield more productive time, but it’s actually been surprisingly disruptive.
That said, I’m pretty happy with the progress anyways. I’ve closed a lot of tickets that have collectively made the game feel much more like the game I want it to be, though that destination is still far away.
The two main categories of work have been to add a new “system licensing” system, and to make the galactic travel experience more intuitive.
System Licensing
Unlocking later stages for successful completion of earlier stages is a comfortable mechanic for puzzle games, and that’s the general idea of what the “licensing” system is: a lightweight, semi-linear stage unlocking mechanism.
The first time you clear a planet (by reaching the bottom of the mine), you earn a star token. Star tokens let you unlock access to a new star and its planets. New stars tend to have higher difficulty planets, but you can re-play any planet you want.
This allows you to continue earning credits and upgrading your modules at your own pace, but to also continue finding new challenges.
That’s it for now. Stay safe out there!